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Basic requirements for installing new energy vehicle charging stations

        As an electric vehicle charging station (plug) on the distribution side of the power grid, its unique structure determines that the automatic communication system has the characteristics of multiple and scattered measuring points, wide coverage, and short communication distance. And with the development of cities, the network topology structure needs to be flexible and scalable. Therefore, the selection of communication methods for electric vehicle charging stations (bolts) should consider the following issues:        (1) The reliability of communication. The 3354 communication system should withstand long-term harsh environments and strong electromagnetic interference or noise interference to maintain smooth communication.        (2) The engineering cost is 33354. Considering both construction costs and long-term maintenance costs while ensuring reliability.        (3) Bidirectional communication 3354 can not only upload information, but also release control.        (4) Multi service data transmission rate - With the continuous growth of terminal business volume in the future, the communication between master stations and sub stations, as well as between sub stations and terminals, requires higher data transmission rates to achieve multi service.        (5) The flexibility and scalability of communication 3354 require standard communication protocols due to the characteristics of charging stations (bolts) with multiple control points, wide areas, and dispersion.        With the increasing number of electric charging stations, more and more problems have emerged in their use and popularization. It is crucial to strengthen the management of electric vehicle charging stations and ensure the normal charging of electric vehicles.        But post management is also important. Electric vehicle charging stations are bound to malfunction. If it is an electric vehicle charging station within the community, property personnel need to seek help from the original construction party or a third party. If it is a public parking lot, most electric vehicle owners do not know who to contact after discovering a malfunction in the electric vehicle charging station, making it difficult to maintain warranty. This malfunction will persist for a long time, affecting the later use of the electric vehicle charging station. So we need to strengthen the later supervision of charging stations!


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